Meet the Sisters


Graphic of MeganKindergarten is such a magical place and ironically, it's a place I never thought I'd be.  While spending an entire year student teaching for my Early Childhood - Elementary Education degree, I had no idea what kind of ride I was in for.  I enjoyed my time in 4 year old kindergarten and absolutely loved the independence and excitement that took place in second grade.  However, kindergarten was a totally different story. . .  It was chaotic, loud and felt like a lot of pressure to ensure that students made academic gains during such a wild and carefree age - to put it simply, I was overwhelmed by all things kindergarten.  Fast forward to spending eight years in my own kindergarten classroom in Wisconsin and I have to say, I love it more than I could have ever imagined!

When I'm not teaching, you will find me drinking coffee (or any other hot, caffeinated beverage), while I browse my local library for a new fiction tale.  If you do not find me there, a few other places I may be include: any restaurant that sells tacos, a Wisconsin Badger event, Target, an airplane heading on my next travel adventure or any of the amazing coffee shops around town while I plan my next Disney World vacation.  I am so excited to begin this blogging journey and share what little insight I have with other incredible educators around the globe!



The Sisters 

During the summer of 2016, Erin approached Megan to "go into business" together while we were sitting and enjoying a freshly brewed cup of coffee on our parent's deck.  We had absolutely no idea what that meant and any thought of collaboration seemed nearly impossible since Erin was sitting with a 10-month old in her lap and Megan was getting ready to begin her first semester toward her Graduate Degree that Fall.  With life's timing conspiring against us, we pressed on and had a blog designed for us.  We were excited about the possibilities and kept the dream alive all summer long. 

When Back to School season hit for the 2016-2017 school year, we each got busy in our classrooms, homes and lives and our best intentions of setting aside time to blog and collaborate fell by the wayside.  A few years passed, some exciting life changes took place and now we're back and ready to actually start this journey together!  With all of this being said, we are new to blogging and how all of this with work when we live several states apart; we are eager to take on this new adventure and share our passion for teaching with all of you.

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